An obviously tired German bank employee fell asleep on his keyboard and accidentally transformed a minor transfer into a 222 million euro ($293 million) order, a court heard Monday.

The Hessen labour court heard that the man was supposed to transfer just 62.40 euros from a bank account belonging to a retiree, but instead "fell asleep for an instant, while pushing onto the number 2 key on the keyboard" -- making it a huge 222,222,222.22 euro order.

The bank discovered the mistake shortly afterwards and corrected the error.

The case was taken to court by the man's 48-year-old colleague who was fired for letting the mistake slip through when verifying the order.

The court ruled that the plaintiff should be reinstated in his job.

Not a pillow (Thinkstock)

A bank employee reportedly took a very expensive on-the-job nap when he laid his head down on his keyboard, a German court heard this week.
When the employee woke a short time later, he discovered that he'd accidentally transferred hundreds of millions of euros by holding down the "2" key, according to a report from AFP.
What was supposed to be a 62.40 euro transfer ($82.80) turned into a 222,222,222.22 euro transfer ($295 million).
How do you say "oops" in German?
The mistake, which occurred in April 2012, was reversed, but the sleepy employee's boss initially let the transfer go through. The supervisor was reportedly fired for not catching the mistake right away.
The court recently ruled that the supervisor was wrongly fired and ordered the bank to give her her job back because the mistake was not malicious in nature, according to the London Evening Standard.
It's unclear what became of the sleepy employee.


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