This week, we are looking at how old flames can creep back into your life to become flings if you sustain communication with them. We see also that women are more prone to this being more emotional and requiring more validation than men.. This is a very powerful teaching you dont want to miss reading.
•    A significant soul tie worth mentioning is that which happens between a married person and someone else outside the marriage.
•    Lets paint a hypothetical scenario over the next few tweets.
•    Jack is a guy who was emotionally involved in a relationship with a teenage sweetheart called Mary many years ago, in Lagos.
•    Jill had a boyfriend in her teenage days too. Fast forward, 20 years. Jack is born again, married to Jill in Texas.
•    Jill has lost touch with her old boyfriend. Jack has lost touch with Mary as well. Jack & Jill are both career people in Texas.
•    Somehow Mary gets married to Peter in Nigeria & they both relocate to Georgia. years later, they are in Texas but Jack unaware
•    One day Jack bumps into Mary 20 years after they last saw each other, discover they now live in same city & exchange numbers.
•    Bear in mind that Jack was sexually involved with Mary. A monument in their memories back then.
•    Mary calls Jack occasionally for advice on general issues. Jill has a helpful colleague at work who is a great listener.
•    Somehow stress at work for Jill makes her throw more at her colleague. Calls between Jack & Mary become more frequent.
•    Bear in mind also that Jack, Mary, Jill are all Christians who pray, seek God and dont miss church services.
•    Scenario complete! #SoulTies begin to develop here. How? Ill explain.
•    Jack feels sense of obligation not 2 abandon Mary 2 solve harmless issues. Jill gets workable solutions always from work mate.
•    Emotional #SoulTies develop that clearly open the doors for affairs involving people who never set out to do evil from day 1.
•    The most dangerous #SoulTies that can hit your marriage come from old flames in either your past or your spouses past.
•    The next most dangerous #SoulTies for a married woman comes through liaison with another man who listens better than husband.
•    For the married man, the next set of dangerous #SoulTies come from women who provide a good solace. Nagging wives lose out here
•    #SoulTies develop for a married woman with doctor, lawyer, pastor or psychologist who listens and talks nicer than husband
•    For a laugh, #SoulTies develop for a married Nigerian man who eats food cooked better by a woman outside. #SoulTies you agree?
•    #SoulTies also develop between a married man and outsiders if he has a wife who picks a quarrel every second.
•    For now, we assume no sex. But somehow, there is a soft spot that seems to be building up for such people in your heart..

Please follow the link below to read the complete scoop on how old flames can creep back into your life to become flings if you sustain communication with them. Looking forward to seeing you again next week. Please share this article with all your friends. Breaking Soul Ties

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